Monday, November 17, 2008

How Will Signing with My Baby Be Beneficial?

Welcome to my second blog post on signing with babies! Today I'd like to outline the many benefits of using sign language with your baby.

Here is some video on babies learning to sign.

As your child learns signs and is able to communicate with you, the rest of the family and other adults, they will experience an increase in self confidence that will stay with them for life. Your child’s reading and spelling ability will accelerate. Through focused play, they learn to identify hundreds of objects and emotions.

Children who sign often experience increased interest in reading and books because they understand concepts so much better.With all the demands placed on everyone’s time today, children are getting less attention than ever before, sometimes to the point they are relying on video games and other “distractions” to influence them. Signing with your baby will allow you to connect with your child and make YOU their center of attention! It takes very little additional time, and adds plenty of fun into family time, too. All you need do is look up signs for the words commonly used with a baby: eat, milk, bear, love, sleep, etc.

Your child’s life will be infinitely easier. Signing with your baby stimulates brain activity and engages the visual cortex. This use of the visual modality, in addition to the auditory modality, enables your child to comprehend a lot faster than anyone else. That means your child will get a “head start” in life! Using sign language helps open additional and separate memory storage for cognitive development. By using visual, audio, and sensory stimulation, these multiple forms of learning allow for all types of learners to absorb information in a unique and global way. Your child’s verbal ability will increase. Studies show that children who use baby sign language can be months and even up to a full year ahead of children who did not sign.

Click here to learn more!

In my next post I will explore what might motivate a baby to use signs. Have a great day!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Babies Can "Talk" At Ten Months Or Earlier?

Babies Can “Talk” At Ten Months Or Earlier?

Babies are smarter than most people think. Many babies can “talk” at ten months or earlier. Rather than coming into the world as a blank slate as many people may believe, babies come equipped with a readiness for language hard-wired into their brain.

On average, a baby with normal hearing will speak his or her first words at the age of about twelve months. Hearing babies who are taught sign language usually sign earlier than they begin speaking – sometimes by a margin of several months. A child can get immediate benefits from learning to sign: family members will be able to understand the child’s desires earlier, thereby causing less frustration for the child. This happy interaction between a baby and the family can lead to better bonding and greater confidence in the child, and help cut down on tantrums. Wouldn’t most families love to have a better-behaved baby and a happier home environment?

The benefits of signing with your baby can be far-reaching: Babies who sign often do much better socially, emotionally and in school.

Adults can sign to their baby from the very first day. A baby’s motor control is not fully developed, so a baby’s signing will look different than an adult’s signing. The child’s signs might be called “baby signs.” That’s fine, though – since there have been babies, mothers have gotten accustomed to their child’s “baby talk,” and a baby’s version of signing is really no different than “baby talk.” If the child continues to sign after learning to speak, the signing abilities will mature just like all his or her other abilities.

Interested in finding out how to get all these benefits? Click here!
